
Two Pairs of Culottes for Summer

Culottes are the new must-have pants from the last seasons.
Next to flares and cropped trousers, they are the most common I see on the Stockholm streets. From the catwalk to the streets, the culottes have proven to be an important autumn/winter trend to try.
Before when I decided to buy new, I already had a pair in my wardrobe since many years. They are blue and striped with a high-waist and reminds me of a marine style. This time I enjoy my new culottes in white.
They are like 2 in 1 - a bit like trousers and a bit like a skirt - almost like a feminist. Even if they can look scary, they are comfortable. With a pair of heels they look sexy.

Culottes to must-have ostatniego sezonu. Obok dzwonow i przycietych spodni, sa moim najczestszym widokiem na ulicach Sztokholmu. Z wybiegu na ulice, te spodnie okazaly sie waznym trendem do wyrobowania na jesien / zima.
Kiedy zdecydowalam sie kupic nowa pare, mialam juz jedna w mojej szafie od wielu lat. Sa niebieskie, w paski i z wysoka talia. Przypominaja mi styl marynistyczny. Ostatnio ciesze sie takze nowymi culottes w bialym kolorze.
Te spodnie sa jak 2 w 1 - troche spodnie i troche spodnica - prawie jak feministka. Nawet jesli wygladaja groznie, niestylistycznie, sa one wygodne. Z para obcasow wygladaja sexy.

Vintage culottes in blue color and stripes, white culottes from Stylein.