
The Story About My Orange Sweater

Orange is not the new black. It is a forgotten color which was trendy in the 70's. I recently got an orange sweater which has lived a long time in a dark wardrobe.
It is a beautiful story about it, by the way. The sweater was made by my grandmother for her daughter as a gift. A couple weeks ago, I got it from my mother. She said "I give you this sweater as a present and it's really important for me. The sweater was made by my mother for me. Now I give it to you. It's 45 years old. Care about it and don't give it away to anyone".
So, I got an important mission :)
Orange is visible as a trend in the Autumn/Winter 2015 season and it will follow through to next year.

Pomaranczowy nie jest nowym czarnym kolorem. To zapomniany kolor, ktory byl modny w latach 70-tych. Niedawno dostalam sweter w tym kolorze, ktory lezal przez dlugi czas w ciemnej szafie.
To piekna opowiesc o nim. Ten sweter zrobila na drutach moja babcia dla swojej corki jako prezent. Kilka tygodni temu podarowala mi go moja mama. I powiedziala do mnie: "Daje ci ten sweter w prezencie. Jest on dla mnie bardzo wazny. Sweter zrobila dla mnie moja mama. Teraz ja ci go przekazuje. Ma 45 lat. Troszcz sie o niego i nikomu go nie oddawaj".
Mam teraz wazna misje do wypelnienia :)
Pomaranczowy jest widocznym kolorem w najblizszym sezonie Jesien/Zima 2015 i jeszcze bedzie taki w przyszlym roku.